
Environmental Inspectors Authorized to Carry Firearms

The government is taking significant steps to enhance environmental oversight in the country as part of the State Program for 2025. One of the key focus areas is to strengthen the effectiveness of the State Environmental Oversight Inspectorate by providing upgrades to inspection vehicles and specialized equipment for inspectors.

Some of the planned initiatives include equipping inspection vehicles with special sound and light signals, as well as distinctive markings to classify them as special vehicles. Additionally, inspectors will be provided with specialized service weapons such as electroshock devices, rubber bullets, and net-launching devices to carry out their duties effectively.

In line with the country’s commitment to sustainable production practices, a national “Eco Brand” mark will be introduced. This initiative aims to create a list of manufacturers who adhere to ecological production standards and use the “Eco Brand” to meet consumer demand for environmentally friendly products.

These measures signify the government’s dedication to promoting environmental protection and sustainable development in the country. By investing in improved inspection capabilities and incentivizing eco-friendly production practices, the government aims to create a cleaner and healthier environment for its citizens.



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