
Executive Secretary of CTBTO Holds Meeting

On July 29, 2024, Turkmenistan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Rashid Meredov met with Robert Floyd, the Executive Secretary of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO). The meeting aimed to discuss the collaboration between Turkmenistan and CTBTO and emphasized the significance of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty’s entry into force.

Both parties underscored the importance of Turkmenistan’s permanent neutrality and its commitment to nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation. They also tackled various key areas of cooperation, including monitoring and verification activities to ensure compliance with the treaty.

Turkmenistan’s efforts to support global peace and security were commended, with both sides expressing their commitment to working together towards a world free of nuclear weapons. The meeting concluded with a reaffirmation of Turkmenistan’s dedication to the CTBTO’s objectives and a shared vision of a safer and more secure world for all.



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