
Exploring Southern Poland’s Historical Sites on the Polish-Hungarian Trail

Hungarian and Polish tourism organizations are teaming up to create a new Polish-Hungarian Trail in Lesser Poland (Małopolska). This joint project between the Polish Tourism Organization, Dr. Tibor Gerencsér (Hungarian Consul in Krakow), and the PTTK (Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Society) aims to highlight the historical ties between Hungary and Poland.

The trail will showcase the shared dynastic ties, kings, saints, and historical experiences of the two countries. It will also explore the tradition of trade between Hungary and Poland, which is reflected in the names of public squares and old wine cellars in the region of Lesser Poland.

The trail will start from the town of Oravka (Kisárva) and extend through Podhale to the Spiš region, offering Hungarian memories of the region to both Polish and Hungarian tourists. The goal is to use modern tourism opportunities to present the rich historical, cultural, ethnographic, and natural heritage of the region to visitors.

By decentralizing Hungarian tourism to Zakopane and Krakow, the trail will encompass urban, small town, and natural attractions suitable for a wide range of tourists. The route will include landmarks such as the castle of Niedzica (Nedec), Black Lake, Szczawnica, Podwilk, and Oravka, introducing historical personalities to visitors.

Overall, the Polish-Hungarian Trail aims to provide a unique and immersive experience for tourists to explore the historical and cultural connections between Hungary and Poland in the beautiful region of Lesser Poland.



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