
Former Governor of Andijan District Convicted, Appointed as Trade Unions Chairman

Abdujabbor Egamberdiev, the former governor of the Andijan district in Uzbekistan who gained notoriety for offering visitors seats on a porch step, has been appointed as the chairman of the Andijan Regional Council of the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan. This appointment was announced during the council’s year-end meeting on December 18, 2024.

Prior to this new role, Egamberdiev was working as the regional organizer for Andijan on behalf of the Republican Council of the Trade Union of Agro-Industrial Complex Workers. His previous tenure as district head came to an end due to a presidential decree citing inappropriate conduct for a state official, lack of leadership ethics, disrespect towards citizens during public receptions, and other shortcomings in his activities.

The incident that led to his dismissal garnered significant attention on social media, with many criticizing his behavior and likening it to medieval feudal practices. The district administration attempted to justify the situation by citing the need for social distancing.

Following his dismissal, Egamberdiev was convicted and sentenced to two years of corrective labor for unauthorized actions, negligence, and abuse of power or office. He was also banned from holding positions of responsibility for two years. However, he was granted early release from this restriction on January 18, 2024.

Before his time in the public sector, Egamberdiev had a long career in the tax system and had previously served as the deputy governor of Andijan Region from 2016 to 2021.

It is important to note that trade unions in Uzbekistan are considered non-governmental, non-profit organizations. Egamberdiev’s new role as chairman of the Andijan Regional Council of the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan marks a new chapter in his career.



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