
“Gaza Targeted in Israeli Airstrike”

Israel Launches Deadly Airstrike on Gaza Strip

Israel has carried out another deadly airstrike on Gaza, targeting high-ranking commanders of the Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip. The attacks, known as shields and arrows, led to the loss of many civilian lives, including women and children.

The Jerusalem Brigades commander, Khalil Bahitini, the organization’s spokesman, Tarik Izzeldin, and the leader of the military council, Jihad Ganim, were among those killed during the operation, which saw the center of Gaza, Rafah, and Han Yunus regions hit.

It is being claimed that the leaders targeted in the attack had planned terrorist activities in the West Bank region of Palestine and had provided financial support. The wives and children of the leaders also lost their lives in the attack.

Following the airstrikes, many buildings in Gaza became unusable. The Israeli army has also ordered reserve soldiers to be ready in case the operation escalates.

Hamas, the group controlling Gaza, has warned Israel, with the organization’s leader, Ismali Haniye, warning that Israel would “pay the price for their crime.”

Meanwhile, the European Union and Israel have faced a reception crisis, with the EU recalling its envoy from Tel Aviv after disagreements over Israel’s raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla. The move came after Israel refused to apologize for the deaths of 10 Turkish activists aboard one of the ships in the flotilla.



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