
Government Outlaws Free Giveaways at Public Events

The distribution and sale of food, goods, and valuables at extremely low prices during public events in Uzbekistan have been officially prohibited by a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers. This decision comes as part of efforts to ensure the safety of citizens and maintain public order during mass gatherings.

According to the decree, it is now illegal to use free distribution or sale of items at low prices as a means of advertising, promotion, or other purposes to attract people to events. The National Guard and the Ministry of Internal Affairs have been tasked with monitoring and enforcing compliance with this regulation by organizers and facility administrators.

The need for this crackdown was exemplified by a recent incident at the “Ashgabat” amusement park in Tashkent, where the administration announced the free distribution of 20,000 toys and ice cream on Children’s Day in violation of the ban on public events. This led to a large crowd of people gathering inside and outside the park.

As a result, the park director, deputy director, and head of the advertising department were issued administrative protocols and sentenced to 15-day administrative arrest under the Administrative Responsibility Code. This serves as a clear warning to others who may consider flouting the new regulations.

Overall, the government is taking a firm stance on the issue to prevent overcrowding and maintain public safety at events throughout the country.


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