
Heavy Rain Causes Flooding in Trabzon – Latest News from Turkey

Heavy Rainfall Causes Flooding in District Center

Residents of the district center were caught off guard today when a heavy rainfall started at 15:00, turning the streets and avenues into lakes. Pedestrians and vehicles alike faced difficulties moving around as transportation nearly came to a standstill due to blocked manholes at multiple points.

Citizens were quick to express their frustration towards the municipality teams as they struggled to navigate through the flooded streets. The water levels of the streams in the region also reached dangerous points, causing concern among residents about potential flooding.

As the rain continued to pour down, residents were advised to stay indoors and avoid unnecessary travel until the situation improved. The municipality teams are working diligently to address the blockages and alleviate the flooding in the district center.

Stay tuned for updates on the situation as the municipality teams work to restore normalcy to the affected areas.



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