
Hematological Rare Diseases Congress Held in TRNC

The 7th Hematological Rare Diseases Congress is currently underway, hosted by the Hematological Rare Diseases Association. The congress is being attended by approximately five hundred scientists in TRNC.

During the congress, it was highlighted that Turkey surpasses Western European standards in the management and treatment of hematological cancers. Research and development activities, especially in drug research, are on the rise, and Turkish scientists are being encouraged and supported to discover new molecules in the field of cancer.

Prof. Dr. Serdal Korkmaz, the Congress President, mentioned that target therapies and immunotherapy studies are on the rise in the field of hematological oncology, focusing on blood-related cancer types. He emphasized that cancer is a preventable and treatable disease, thanks to advancements in medicine. The world is now aiming for a longer and disease-free life through smart-targeted treatments for blood, bone marrow, and lymph node cancers. With the introduction of targeted smart drugs in clinical use, success rates in cancer treatment are expected to increase further.

World Apheresis Association President and Founding President, Prof. Dr. Fevzi Altuntaş, also addressed the audience. He stated that cancer, being referred to as the disease of the age, is the second leading cause of death globally after cardiovascular diseases. Altuntaş highlighted the effectiveness of clinical studies, which are now conducted in accordance with European Union quality criteria throughout the country. He mentioned the incredible improvements in life expectancy and quality of life in cancer treatment in recent years, attributing it to these clinical studies. The treatability of cancer today is a result of these studies.

The advancements and discussions at the congress are contributing to the ongoing efforts to improve treatments and outcomes for hematological cancers. The collaboration and dedication of scientists and researchers in this field are crucial in the fight against these rare diseases.



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