Hungarian construction companies aid earthquake victims in Turkey (revised)
Hungarian construction companies contribute to relief efforts in Turkey three months after a devastating earthquake affected a region larger than Hungary, 11 major cities, and a total of 14 million people, resulting in the death of over 50,000 people. In an unprecedented charity campaign, 23 major Hungarian construction companies and real estate developers donated between HUF 100,000 and HUF 1 million to the Hungarian Interchurch Aid, which had been contributing to the humanitarian effort since the first days of the disaster. The charity’s President-Director, László Lehel, explained that after the rescue phase, they had established local cooperations and were working to set up containers, provide housing and help with food and hygiene distribution in a 6-month humanitarian aid programme. PERI Hungary, which organised the charity gala event, believes that it is important in any profession to have positive common goals that forge communities beyond business interests. The charity event was also attended by Turkish businessmen living in Hungary, including Hakan Yildiz, who thanked Hungary and the Hungarian people for their support in the rescue efforts so far.