
Important News for Hungarian Voters in 2024 EP Election: Voting Abroad

Hungarian citizens living abroad will have a record number of options to vote in the upcoming European parliamentary election on 9 June. With 147 foreign embassies and consulates in 99 countries available to them, this is the largest number of voting locations ever offered.

Those who reside outside of Hungary but still hold a Hungarian address can participate in the election abroad by registering by 4 PM on May 31. This gives them the opportunity to have their voice heard in the important decision-making process.

One new addition to the list of voting locations is Kyiv, Ukraine, which was not available during the 2022 parliamentary election. However, voting will not be possible in Lviv, Ukraine, or in Dakar, Senegal this time around.

Comparing to the 2019 European Parliamentary elections, this year’s election offers even more options for Hungarian citizens abroad to cast their vote. With a growing number of foreign missions participating in the voting process, it is easier than ever for Hungarian residents living outside of the country to engage in the democratic process and have a say in the future of the European Parliament.

As the EP election draws nearer, it is crucial for Hungarian citizens abroad to take advantage of these voting opportunities and make their voices heard. By participating in the election, they can help shape the future of Europe and ensure that their interests are represented in the European Parliament.


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