
Increased water inflow into Toktogul reservoir signals potential for higher storage levels

The water inflow into the Toktogul reservoir in Kyrgyz Republic has reached 534 cubic meters per second, which is 1.7 times more than the flow rate of 314 cubic meters per second. This information was provided by Electric Stations JSC on their website.

The volume of water in the reservoir currently stands at 7,717 billion cubic meters, which is 395.7 million cubic meters less than the volume recorded in 2023. This data indicates a significant increase in water flow into the reservoir, providing vital resources for the region.

This update comes as a positive development for the area, as the increased water inflow will help support various activities that rely on the reservoir, such as agriculture, energy generation, and water supply. These resources are crucial for the sustainable development and well-being of the community.

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