
Iran closely monitoring developments in Syria

Iran Condemns Violence and Insecurity in Syria

The Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Esmail Baqaei, has expressed deep concern over the recent reports of violence and insecurity in various parts of Syria. The Islamic Republic of Iran is closely monitoring the internal developments in Syria and is particularly troubled by the news of violence and instability spreading across the country.

Baqaei reiterated Iran’s firm stance on the importance of maintaining security and stability in Syria. He emphasized the need to create an environment where all ethnic groups and social strata in Syrian society can coexist peacefully. Additionally, Baqaei stressed the significance of preserving Syria’s territorial integrity and unity.

Iran condemns any acts of violence, killing, or harm against innocent Syrian people, regardless of their ethnic background or tribe. Baqaei warned that such violence could fuel further instability in the region and provoke more seditious actions by external parties.

As tensions escalate in Syria, Iran stands firm in its commitment to promoting peace, security, and unity in the region. The Islamic Republic urges all parties involved to prioritize the well-being of the Syrian people and work towards a peaceful resolution to the conflict.



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