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Iran Withdraws: Breaking Middle East News

Border clashes between Israel and Hezbollah have escalated, raising concerns about a potential all-out war between the two sides. The clashes, which began on October 8, have seen explosions and retaliatory attacks from both sides.

Hezbollah, Lebanon’s most serious military force, has targeted several Israeli bases along the border using rockets and kamikaze-armed drones. In response, the Israeli army has attacked Hezbollah’s radar and air defense facilities, as well as villages near the border.

Iran, Hezbollah’s main ally, has issued a warning to Israel, stating that a devastating war would break out if Israel attacked Lebanon. The warning comes amidst heightened tensions in the region.

Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah’s threat to Southern Cyprus in June marked a turning point in the conflict. Nasrallah’s speech, in which he threatened to strike Southern Cyprus if it allowed Israeli jets to use its airports, has raised concerns about the crisis spreading outside the Middle East.

Experts have noted that Hezbollah has a significant arsenal that can target Southern Cyprus, posing a threat to the region. Greece and the European Union have condemned Hezbollah’s actions, and Turkey has warned Southern Cyprus to stay away from the escalating tensions.

As the situation continues to escalate, many countries, including Germany, Canada, the United States, and others, have advised their citizens to leave Lebanon due to fears of a new war breaking out on the border. The international community is closely monitoring the situation and urging for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.


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