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Israel Press Concerned about US Recognition of Palestine State

Israeli Concerns Rise over US Administration’s Push for Palestinian State Recognition

Israeli political sources have voiced concern over the increasing efforts of the US administration to promote the idea of establishing a united Palestinian state under a “renewed Palestinian administration” in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, according to the Hebrew newspaper Maariv.

The news reported that US officials have been considering recognizing the Palestinian state as part of a comprehensive political initiative “the day after” Hamas’ rule over the Gaza Strip ends. This potential move has been described as a “political tsunami”, and Israeli concerns are growing as they fear the US may recognize the Palestinian state without their approval.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has reportedly instructed his office staff to prepare regular studies on the possibility of unilateral recognition of the Palestinian state by the US or internationally without negotiations with Israel or Tel Aviv’s approval. This issue has raised alarm among senior officials in Israel, especially as they believe the Biden administration is seriously considering such a step.

The Israeli political sources noted that the idea of recognizing the Palestinian state has gained momentum and is no longer just an experimental or theoretical idea. They also expressed concern that the US and European countries have been actively promoting the idea, causing pressure on Israel.

As discussions on the recognition of a Palestinian state continue to gain traction, Israel is closely monitoring the situation, fearing the potential consequences of this unilateral move by the US and its allies. It remains to be seen how this issue will unfold and what actions Israel will take in response to these developments.



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