
Israeli military offensive disguised as religious crusade – Sondakika News

CNN TÜRK – Is Turkey the next target for Israel’s invasion plan under the guise of religion?

President Erdogan has made a bold statement, claiming that after targeting Palestine and Lebanon, Israel will set its sights on Turkey with complete religious fanaticism. Erdogan warned that the Netanyahu administration’s next target will be Türkiye. This raises the question of where the belief in the “promised land” or “arzı mavud” originates.

Theologian and researcher Ümit Özdemir shed light on this belief, referencing Deuteronomy 11 verse 24 which states, “Every place you set foot on will be yours, your borders will extend from the desert to Lebanon, from the Euphrates River to the Mediterranean.” In the Zionist system, this belief gives Jews the courage to take back the promised land from what they see as occupation.

With Israel’s ongoing attacks on Lebanon, the question arises of whether these attacks will spread to Turkey. According to Özdemir, the lands on the borders of the Euphrates River, including Syria, Iraq, and Turkey, could potentially be targeted next.

Journalist Güngör Yavuzaslan expressed concern over Israel’s actions, stating that they have a perverted belief that justifies heinous acts, such as killing children, in the name of their religion.

It is important to consider whether Netanyahu is trying to justify Israel’s military actions in a religious context. The belief that the Messiah will come when Israelites establish a system is a driving force behind Israel’s actions.

As tensions rise in the region, the claim that Israel has decided to give a “strong response” to Iran adds another layer of complexity to the situation. The international community will be watching closely to see how these developments unfold.



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