
Kazakhstan Ranks as Most Peaceful Country in Eurasia in 2024 Global Peace Index

Kazakhstan Ranked as Most Peaceful Country in Eurasia in 2024 Global Peace Index

The Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP) recently released the 2024 Global Peace Index (GPI), which ranked Kazakhstan as the most peaceful country in Eurasia. The 18th edition of the GPI evaluated 163 independent states and territories, encompassing 99.7% of the global population. Among the region’s 12 countries, Kazakhstan showed the most significant improvement in peacefulness, with its overall score increasing by 10.8%. This improvement propelled the country up the rankings from 78th to 59th out of 163 countries.

According to the report, Kazakhstan recorded improvements in all domains, with notable progress in indicators such as violent demonstrations, intensity of internal conflict, nuclear and heavy weapons, and weapons imports. The decrease in the number of demonstrations reflects a decline in conflict risks and internal grievances over the past year. However, the report also highlighted that unresolved socio-economic factors and grievances from previous years could resurface in the future, as indicated by the country’s deterioration on the Political Terror scale indicator.

The Eurasian region as a whole experienced significant improvements in peace indicators compared to other regions, despite ongoing conflicts such as the one between Russia and Ukraine. While peace levels in the region increased by 0.6%, they remain relatively low. The GPI ranking includes 12 countries in the region, with peace improving in countries like Uzbekistan, Moldova, and Tajikistan, while deteriorating in Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine.

In the global rankings, Iceland maintained its position as the most peaceful country in the world since 2008, while Yemen was identified as the least peaceful. The IEP, an independent, non-governmental, and non-profit analytical center, focuses on promoting peace as a positive and achievable indicator of humanity’s well-being and progress.



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