
Kazakhstan Schools Shine with EU Energy Efficiency Labels

Two Schools in Kazakhstan Earn Energy Efficiency Labels

During the second Interregional Forum of Environmental Initiatives, two schools in Kazakhstan were recognized for their energy efficiency efforts. The event, jointly organized by the ECOJER Association and the Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia Project (SECCA), took place in Temirtau on June 4.

The Kosshy School Gymnasium and the Kazakh School Lyceum in Konayev town were acknowledged for achieving the highest energy efficiency ratings among 100 newly analyzed public schools. The Kosshy School Gymnasium received an A rating, while the Kazakh School Lyceum earned a B rating.

Robert Brudzynski, the programme manager at the EU Delegation to Kazakhstan, expressed his pride in seeing European practices being implemented in Kazakhstan with EU support. He highlighted the importance of energy efficiency labeling in promoting healthy buildings, caring for nature, and working towards climate-neutrality goals.

Energy efficiency labeling is a crucial step towards reducing emissions, preserving the environment, improving public health, and achieving climate-related objectives. By visualizing a building’s energy consumption, it helps in reducing operating costs and environmental impact, in line with Kazakhstan’s energy policy priorities.

Moving forward, the SECCA project and the Ministry of Industry and Construction plan to expand energy efficiency labels to other public schools, kindergartens, and healthcare facilities. This initiative aims to further promote sustainable practices and contribute to a greener and more efficient future for Kazakhstan.



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