
“Key considerations for casting a valid vote”

When it comes to elections, understanding the voting system is crucial. Voters often wonder if only the votes printed inside the alliance area are counted. In the upcoming elections, voters will need to put the “YES” and “CHOICE” seal on the political party they want to vote for.

According to the election laws, the ballot papers will be considered valid if the seal is pressed in the “area reserved for a political party”, “both in the area reserved for a political party and in the alliance title section” or “in the area reserved for a political party, overflowing the alliance title section”. The results will be marked in the column of that specific political party in the census sheet.

However, in cases where the seal is stamped only within the alliance area on the compass, these ballot papers will also be considered valid. These ballot papers will be marked separately in the alliance’s “joint votes” column on the counting sheet. The share of the political party in the alliance from the common votes will be distributed according to the voting rates of the parties.

It is important for voters to understand the intricacies of the voting system to make an informed decision. The upcoming election is a crucial one, and every vote counts. Therefore, voters are urged to carefully read the instructions before casting their vote to ensure their voice is heard and counted.



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