
Khorezm Farmer Penalized for Encouraging Schoolchildren to Help with Rice Harvesting

Head of Farm in Uzbekistan Fined for Using Child Labor in Rice Harvest

The head of a farm in the Kushkupir district of the Khorezm region in Uzbekistan has been fined for using child labor in rice harvesting. The National Commission for Combating Human Trafficking and Forced Labor reported that the farm, named “Ibrohim baliqchi,” attracted schoolchildren to collect harvested rice in the field, offering them a fee for their work.

The investigation into this matter was initiated based on an appeal from the National Commission for Combating Human Trafficking and Forced Labor. The State Labor Inspectorate under the Ministry of Poverty Reduction and Employment, along with the Prosecutor General’s Office, looked into the situation, specifically focusing on reports that 9th graders were involved in rice harvesting in Khorezm.

During the investigation, it was discovered that 9th grade students from the 19th school in Kushkupir district were indeed participating in the collection of rice for a certain fee, after their regular lessons, following the suggestion of the farm’s head. However, there was no evidence to suggest that the school administration had forced these students to engage in such work.

As a result of the violation of the law, the case was taken to the Kushkupir district court. The farmer was found guilty of committing offenses as outlined in Article 49-3 and Article 491 of the Administrative Responsibility Code. Consequently, he has been fined 10 base calculating amounts (BCAs), equivalent to approximately 3.3 million soums.

Child labor and exploitation are serious concerns that violate the rights and well-being of children. It is crucial for authorities and society as a whole to address these issues and ensure the protection of children from any form of exploitation.


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