
Kindergarten Directors to be Selected through Competitive Process

Kindergarten Directors in Kyrgyzstan to be Appointed on a Competitive Basis

The Ministry of Education and Science in Kyrgyzstan has announced that directors of kindergartens in the country will now be appointed through a competitive selection process. This new regulation is part of efforts to ensure better quality management and leadership in state and municipal preschool educational organizations.

According to the Ministry, a draft regulation has been prepared outlining the procedure for the competitive selection of heads of these educational institutions. This move is in accordance with Article 22 of the Law on Education, which states that appointments of heads of state and municipal educational organizations should be done through a competitive process.

As per the new regulation, managers who have worked in preschool educational organizations for a total of five or more years will be considered relieved of their positions. This means that a competitive selection process will be conducted to fill vacant director positions in kindergartens across the country.

This new approach aims to bring in qualified and talented individuals to lead these institutions and ensure high standards of education for young children. The Ministry of Education and Science is committed to promoting excellence in early childhood education and providing children with the best possible learning environment. Stay tuned for further updates on the competitive selection process for kindergarten directors in Kyrgyzstan.


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