
KTTB Issues Recommendations for Respiratory Infection Protection – BRTK

The Turkish Cypriot Medical Association (KTTB) has raised concerns over the increased complaints of fever, cough, and runny nose during the winter months, warning the public about the risk of respiratory tract infections. They have made recommendations to protect against these infections by advocating the use of masks, proper ventilation, and advising against the misuse of antibiotics without consulting a doctor.

The KTTB emphasized the importance of creating an adult vaccination program, particularly for those in the high-risk group, in order to safeguard against respiratory infections. They highlighted that viruses are the most common cause of cold and flu-like infections and stressed that not all respiratory infections are mild, posing serious threats to health.

The KTTB also listed common respiratory tract infections, including cold, flu, RSV, and COVID-19, each with its own set of symptoms and potential risks, such as lung infections, bronchitis, and severe complications for those in the high-risk group.

The association further cautioned that respiratory infections can become severe and life-threatening, especially for individuals with underlying health conditions, highlighting the need to seek medical advice if symptoms worsen. They emphasized the importance of vaccination for protection against influenza and other respiratory infections.

The KTTB recommended vaccination for high-risk groups and stressed the significance of following preventive measures such as wearing masks, proper hand hygiene, maintaining distance from sick individuals, and promoting a healthy diet and lifestyle.

In conclusion, the KTTB urged the public to take proactive measures in protecting themselves from respiratory infections, emphasizing the critical role of vaccination and preventive practices to mitigate the spread of diseases.


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