
Kyrgyzstan aims to boost Human Development Index rank within 2-3 years

Kyrgyzstan Aims for Significant Progress in Human Development Index

As reported by the news agency, a senior official from the presidential administration in Kyrgyzstan has expressed optimism about the country’s future progress in the Human Development Index. The official stated that they expect to see substantial advancements within the next 2-3 years.

It was noted that Kyrgyzstan recently moved up one position in the index, entering the group of highly developed countries. While this achievement was acknowledged as a positive step, there were concerns raised about the work of statistics specialists in the country. The official mentioned dissatisfaction with the current methodologies used by these specialists and highlighted the need for revisions and modernizations in measuring GDP and poverty rates.

The conversation also revolved around the importance of collaborating effectively with international organizations to ensure accurate and reliable data. The official expressed worries about the potential of Kyrgyzstan’s ranking in the Human Development Index dropping if improvements are not made in statistical practices.

Despite the challenges faced in statistical reporting, the official emphasized the significance of reaching the status of a highly developed country in the index. This milestone was celebrated as a noteworthy achievement and a moment of pride for the country.

Overall, there is a strong commitment to enhancing data collection and analysis processes in Kyrgyzstan to continue advancing in the Human Development Index and improve overall living standards for its citizens.



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