
Kyrgyzstan Implements Penalties for Attacks on Health Workers

The Committee on Social Policy of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan has approved amendments to some legislative acts in the first reading, aimed at protecting health workers during the performance of their official duties and preventing violence and attacks against them.

The document was developed in response to the increasing number of cases where health workers are being attacked. The proposed amendments seek to provide adequate protection for these professionals in the execution of their professional functions.

According to the initiators, attacks on doctors not only cause physical harm but also mental and moral suffering, disrupting the balance of the medical professionals.

A new article titled “Obstruction of the legitimate professional activities of medical workers” will be introduced into the Criminal Code. The proposed changes outline the following penalties:

– Obstructing the legitimate professional activities of medical workers with threats of violence, causing minor harm or damage, could result in correctional labor or fines.
– More severe penalties are proposed for cases involving violent actions resulting in serious harm or damage.
– The law also provides for fines for individuals who illegally interfere with the activities of doctors or display disrespectful or insulting behavior towards them.

Additionally, the Law “On the Protection of the Health of Citizens in the Kyrgyz Republic” ensures that health workers have the right to insurance for cases of injury or trauma inflicted on them during the performance of their duties.

The initiators believe that providing legal protection for medical workers is crucial to safeguard their honor, dignity, and personal safety, ensuring a sufficient level of safety in their professional activities in order to fulfill public health protection tasks effectively.


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