
Kyrgyzstan’s plan to eliminate settlement colonies in the country

Settlement Colonies in Kyrgyzstan May Be Liquidated

The Minister of Justice in Kyrgyzstan, Ayaz Baetov, announced at a recent press conference that settlement colonies in the country may be liquidated. Instead, it is proposed to transfer all prisoners to probation and equip them with special electronic bracelets for monitoring.

Baetov explained that upon analysis, it was found that there is no significant difference between probation with electronic monitoring and staying in a settlement colony. He emphasized that it essentially serves as a duplicate function and that reforms are needed in the penal system.

However, it is important to note that probation will not be applied to individuals who have committed serious crimes such as murder or rape. The final decision on the liquidation of settlement colonies will require approval from the Cabinet of Ministers.

If the initiative is approved, significant changes will take place in the penal system of Kyrgyzstan. Stay tuned for updates on this developing situation.



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