
Latvia Gears Up for Fifth World Nomad Games Featuring Toguzkumalak and More

The Fifth World Nomad Games (WNG) in Astana, Kazakhstan, features 21 sports, including the traditional Kazakh board game togyzkumalak, often referred to as the “chess of the steppes.” This game, which originated 4,000 years ago in Kazakhstan, has recently gained popularity and has been recognized by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Latvia is one of the 75 countries participating in the games, with a keen interest in togyzkumalak, mangala, a Turkish board game, and oware, a West African board game. The President of the Latvian Togyzkumalak Federation, Lyubov Azimova, spoke about the game’s main features and its growth in Latvia in an interview with a Latvian news agency.

Latvian athletes have been making their mark in togyzkumalak, with notable achievements in World Championships and World Cup stages. The support from the Kazakh Embassy in Latvia has been crucial in nurturing the development of the game in Latvia, with master classes and collaborative projects enhancing the players’ skills and knowledge.

The WNG is often compared to the Olympics in terms of scale and participant numbers, but it offers more than just sports competitions. It provides a platform to explore ancient nomadic culture, emphasizing both the cultural and sports programs. The upcoming 2024 World Nomad Games in Kazakhstan will see Latvian teams competing in togyzkumalak, mangala, and oware, with a focus on achieving strong results in each sport.

The Latvian Togyzkumalak Federation is preparing separate teams for each game to enhance their performance and achieve better results. With the support of Kazakhstan, the togyzkumalak team is ready to compete in Astana, while efforts are underway to secure sponsors for the oware and mangala teams to cover their travel expenses.

Overall, the participation of Latvian athletes in traditional Kazakh board games at the WNG showcases the cultural exchange and collaboration between countries, fostering a spirit of competitiveness and mutual respect in the world of nomadic sports.



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