
Leather Industry Set for $2 Billion Development Projects

The President of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, has given instructions to establish the production of 25 types of food in the republic. This announcement came during a meeting on the areas of investment, export, and international cooperation for 2024.

During the meeting, the President highlighted the untapped opportunities in the food sector to supply the domestic market. It was reported that the volume of processed food products in various regions of the country had decreased over the past year, with pasta production in certain regions failing to meet the region’s needs.

In addition to the production of food, the President also instructed officials to explore the possibility of producing a number of food products in cooperation with foreign brands. The Cabinet of Ministers has been tasked with adopting a program for the development of the food industry in the regions.

Furthermore, Uzcharmsanoat has been instructed to establish the production of covers for cars and sports equipment made of artificial leather, with plans to develop projects worth $2 billion in the leather industry.

The President also addressed a number of other issues, including the diversification of exports, simplification of the visa regime for cargo carriers abroad, and the need to attract investments. Additionally, he called for a crackdown on the import of equipment at inflated prices and the transfer of territories in industrial zones under the management of foreign companies.

Overall, the President’s instructions aim to boost the production of food and leather products in Uzbekistan, as well as address a range of other economic and trade-related issues in the country.



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