
Local Businesses Showcased at Old Square Exhibition in Bishkek

Kyrgyzstan Celebrates Independence Day with Large-Scale Exhibition

A grand exhibition celebrating Kyrgyzstan’s Independence Day and the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Region is currently taking place at Turdakun Usubaliev Square in Bishkek. The event showcases products from domestic manufacturing companies across various sectors of the economy, according to Urmat Takhirov, Director of Kyrgyzexport, who spoke with news agency.

Visitors to the exhibition have the opportunity to explore products manufactured by enterprises in Kyrgyzstan, ranging from agriculture to light and heavy industry, and the food industry. Samples of agricultural products, locally-made vehicles, and other goods are on display for attendees to see.

The purpose of the exhibition is to promote economic development in the country and raise awareness about domestic products. The showcased goods highlight the capabilities and achievements of national manufacturers, ultimately contributing to the strengthening of Kyrgyzstan’s economic potential.

Various companies are participating in the exhibition, presenting a wide range of products. From industrial manufacturing enterprises like Sky Industrial and TNK Dastan to specialized equipment manufacturers like Avtomash-Radiator, Interglass, and Elplast, there is a diverse array of goods on display.

In addition to products from the industrial sector, the exhibition also features clothing, textiles, and wool processing items from companies in the light industry sector. Large food production companies such as Adal Azyk and Toyboss are showcasing chicken meat, eggs, vegetable oil, and sugar products.

Among the highlights of the event are electric motorcycles designed for rural areas and a new enterprise focusing on the production of autonomous engines for vehicles. These innovative products demonstrate the ongoing advancements in Kyrgyzstan’s manufacturing sector.

The exhibition is organized by Kyrgyzexport, the center for the promotion and development of exports under the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic. It serves as a platform for local businesses to promote their goods and contribute to the country’s economic growth. The event highlights the importance of supporting domestic industries and showcasing the potential of Kyrgyz manufacturing.



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