
Man Dies of Heart Attack During Astroturf Match – Last Minute News Turkey

Tragic Incident in Nusaybin: Football Player Dies from Heart Attack

In a shocking turn of events, Selim Engin collapsed while playing a football match with his friends on the astroturf field in Nusaybin last night. The sudden illness that struck Engin prompted a swift response from medical teams, who rushed to the scene to provide assistance.

Despite the best efforts of the doctors at Nusaybin State Hospital, where Engin was taken after receiving initial first aid, he unfortunately could not be saved. It was determined that Engin had suffered a heart attack, leading to his untimely death.

Following this tragic incident, Engin’s body was taken to the Forensic Medicine Institute for further examination in an autopsy. Meanwhile, an investigation has been launched to determine the circumstances surrounding his sudden collapse and subsequent passing.

The entire community is mourning the loss of Selim Engin, a promising young football player whose life was cut short. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends during this difficult time. May he rest in peace.



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