
Manas Airport Staff Joins National Cleanup Day

Manas International Airport Employees Participate in National Cleanup Day

Employees of Manas International Airport recently came together to participate in a cleanup event dedicated to National Cleanup Day. The cleanup, held in a positive and friendly atmosphere, saw employees showing great enthusiasm and responsibility as they worked to maintain cleanliness and order on the airport’s premises.

“National Cleanup Day is more than just a cleaning day; it is a symbol of unity and care for the places where we live and work. This is particularly significant for us at Manas International Airport, as we welcome thousands of passengers on a daily basis. We are committed to not only providing a high level of service but also creating a clean, cozy, and safe environment for all,” the company stated.

The participation of airport employees in the cleanup highlights their dedication to environmental stewardship and community involvement. By taking action to keep their workplace clean and inviting, they are contributing to a positive and sustainable future for all who pass through the airport’s gates.



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