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Manisa Forest Fire – Breaking News

Forest Fire Breaks Out Near Darkale Neighborhood

A forest fire has ignited in a wooded area near Darkale Neighborhood for reasons that are currently unknown. The incident has prompted a rapid response from firefighting teams in the region.

Upon receiving notification of the fire, resources from the Izmir Regional Forestry Directorate were immediately deployed to the scene. This includes 4 planes, 3 helicopters, 13 water trucks, 5 water supply vehicles, and 1 bulldozer to assist in combating the blaze.

Efforts to extinguish the fire are currently underway, with teams working tirelessly both from the air and on the ground. The priority is to contain and control the spread of the fire to prevent further damage to the surrounding forested area.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation, and authorities are urging caution and vigilance in the region to prevent any further incidents. We will provide updates on the situation as more information becomes available.


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