
March 9 Weather Forecast for Azerbaijan

Partially cloudy weather expected in Baku and Absheron Peninsula on March 9

The National Hydrometeorological Service of Azerbaijan has forecasted partially cloudy weather in Baku and the Absheron Peninsula on March 9, with no significant precipitation expected. The day will see southeast winds replacing northwest winds.

Temperatures are expected to range from +4 to +8°C at night and +10 to +15°C during the daytime. The atmospheric pressure will be around 765 mm Hg, with relative humidity ranging from 75-85% at night and 55-65% during the day.

Across the districts of Azerbaijan, mostly dry weather is expected on March 9, with east winds blowing. Nighttime temperatures are forecasted to be between +3 to +8°C, while daytime temperatures are expected to reach +15 to +20°C. In the highlands, temperatures will range from -2 to +3°C at night and +10 to +15°C during the day.

Overall, the weather in Azerbaijan on March 9 promises to be relatively calm and pleasant, with no significant weather disturbances expected.



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