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Minister Holds Meeting with Zonguldak Residents.

Minister of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change, Murat Kurum, held a meeting with the people of Zonguldak in Pendik district of Istanbul. During this meeting, the minister addressed the citizens and listened to songs from the Zonguldak Mining Workers Orchestra. Kurum praised the miners for their heroism during the earthquakes in Kahramanmaraş and their role in aiding rescue operations.

He stated that the construction process for 142,000 houses in the disaster region is underway and will be completed soon. Additionally, 561,000 independent sections have already been applied for in Istanbul. Kurum pledged to provide safe homes and transformation to the city’s major areas, ensuring that no risky structures will remain.

In the past 21 years, Turkey has invested more than 30 billion liras in every field in Zonguldak. Iller Bank funded 162 projects in infrastructure across the city, while 11,227 homes have been offered through TOKİ to citizens. The minister declared that Turkey’s government aims to transform 11 cities, including Zonguldak, with the help of Zonguldak officials.

Heading towards the elections, Kurum took a direct hit at political opposition, criticizing their inability to offer solutions to the nation’s problems, such as urbanization or terrorism. Kurum said the opposition has spent the budget on advertising and reducing the earthquake transformation in Istanbul by six times.

Minister Kurum reminded the citizens at the meeting that it has been four years since any action has been taken in the municipalities of Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir, resulting in a zero-grade scorecard in service and performance. The opposition MPs keep making empty promises, but the drastic slogans will not alter the status quo.



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