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Minister Yerlikaya Reveals Details of 3 Billion TL Forex Profiteering

Minister Yerlikaya announced a significant breakthrough in the fight against cybercrimes, revealing that 107 suspects have been apprehended in the “CYBERGÖZ-44” operations. These individuals were involved in establishing 45 different shell companies in 14 provinces, primarily located in Istanbul and Kocaeli, with a staggering 3 billion TL in money movement in their accounts.

The Minister emphasized the government’s commitment to targeting those who engage in qualified fraud using information systems, stating that their cyber patrols are active around the clock. The operations were conducted under the coordination of the General Directorate of Security, Department of Combating Cyber Crimes, in collaboration with the Financial Crimes Investigation Board (MASAK) and Provincial Police Departments Anti-Cyber Crime Branch Directorates.

In Istanbul, Ankara, Aydın, Kocaeli, Gaziantep, Düzce, İzmir, Hatay, Diyarbakır, Kayseri, and Trabzon, the Cyber Crimes Department of the Istanbul Provincial Police Department successfully apprehended 96 suspects involved in various fraudulent activities, including sharing misleading posts on social media platforms and establishing shell companies for illegal financial transactions.

On the other hand, the operations conducted by the Kocaeli Provincial Police Department in Ağrı, Istanbul, Balıkesir, and Eskişehir led to the arrest of 11 suspects who were exploiting e-commerce websites for fraudulent schemes.

The operations yielded valuable results, with authorities seizing 4 unlicensed guns, a significant amount of foreign currency and Turkish Lira, as well as numerous digital materials. Minister Yerlikaya commended the efforts of the Hero Police and MASAK involved in these operations, emphasizing the importance of continued vigilance in combating cybercrimes.

The public’s support and prayers are with law enforcement agencies as they continue their tireless efforts to protect citizens from fraudulent activities and uphold the rule of law in the digital realm.



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