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Minister Yumaklı: Year-round Harvesting Is Possible – Breaking News

Minister Yumaklı Emphasizes the Importance of Urban Agriculture and Organized Agricultural Zones

Minister Yumaklı recently made a statement reflecting his satisfaction with the progress of urban agriculture initiatives in Turkey. He expressed pride in the efforts of young individuals, supported by the Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality, to cultivate products in a landless area of 750 square meters.

The Minister highlighted the significance of this initiative in the context of Turkey’s ambition to lead by example in various fields. He stressed the importance of youth in driving technological advancements and innovations in agricultural practices, especially in the face of constraints posed by climate change.

Urban agriculture is seen as a critical strategy for cities to become self-sufficient and overcome limitations related to climate change and rapid urbanization, according to Minister Yumaklı. He emphasized the need for cities to create environments that can sustain their own needs and support the production and distribution of agricultural products.

Minister Yumaklı also discussed the role of organized agricultural zones in enhancing agricultural productivity and reducing energy expenses. These zones, particularly those located close to geothermal energy sources, offer the potential to facilitate year-round production and enable the transformation and distribution of agricultural products.

The Minister underscored the importance of greenhouses in supporting continuous production and highlighted the significant water-saving benefits associated with such facilities.

Looking ahead, Minister Yumaklı outlined the ministry’s commitment to supporting initiatives that promote urban agriculture and organized agricultural zones. He emphasized the importance of collaborating with local administrators and entrepreneurs to bring locally produced products to markets and ensure the sustainability of these agricultural practices.

In conclusion, Minister Yumaklı’s statement reflects the government’s dedication to fostering innovative agricultural practices and supporting sustainable urban agriculture initiatives across Turkey. The ongoing efforts to promote organized agricultural zones align with the broader goal of enhancing agricultural productivity and addressing environmental challenges.


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