
Ministry of Digital Development to Launch Gcloud Cloud Storage Service

The Minister of Digital Development of Kyrgyzstan, Nuriya Kutnaeva, recently shared the ministry’s upcoming plans at a press conference held in Bishkek. Among the various initiatives discussed, the launch of the Data Processing Center and the state cloud storage Gcloud were highlighted as key projects to enhance digital services in the country.

In the past, government agencies in Kyrgyzstan operated on individual servers, but with the centralized approach of the State Data Processing Center, resources will be consolidated to streamline digital processes and improve the delivery of public services across different sectors.

Additionally, the Ministry of Digital Development aims to delegate the functions of Public Service Centers (PSCs) to local municipalities (aiyl okmotu) to enhance efficiency. The ministry also plans to collaborate with commercial structures and banks to expand the network of document reception points and increase accessibility for citizens.

To ensure the quality of services provided, a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) system will be implemented in PSCs to assess employee effectiveness. Outstanding employees will be rewarded with additional incentives to encourage excellence in service delivery.

Moreover, a new digital service will be introduced in the Tunduk application to facilitate citizen registration at their place of residence and streamline the process of applying for passports online. These advancements seek to not only optimize operations within the public service sector but also enhance the overall digital experience for citizens in Kyrgyzstan.



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