
Missing Father and Son: Has Zekiye Merve Yıldırım been found?

Zekiye Yıldırım’s friend has come forward with shocking allegations about her work and personal life. According to the friend, Zekiye was not working as a hairdresser as previously believed, but was actually employed at a massage parlor where illegal activities, including prostitution, were taking place. The friend further claimed that Zekiye, known to him as Merve, became pregnant while working at the massage parlor and was allegedly mistreated by the owner, Ali, who wanted to take her child and dispose of her.

In addition to these claims, a witness who identified themselves as an employee of Ali alleged that Zekiye, also known as Merve, had fallen into substance abuse and may have even died as a result. This shocking information has brought new attention to the case, raising questions about the circumstances surrounding Zekiye’s disappearance and her ultimate fate.

These latest revelations have sparked concern and outrage among the public, who are calling for a thorough investigation into the matter. The authorities are under pressure to uncover the truth about Zekiye’s activities and relationships, and to ensure that justice is served. As the story continues to unfold, the public is left to wonder what other secrets may be hiding behind the facade of the massage parlor and its owner, Ali.



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