
MIT’s Gara Point Operation: Latest News from Turkey

MIT Field Agents Neutralize Drone Mastermind Tekin Okan in Iraq

Tekin Okan, also known as Deniz Bahri, has been responsible for the development and management of drones for the PKK/KCK. MIT’s field agents have been tracking Okan’s movements between Iraq and Syria for some time. With updated information received from the field agents, an operation was carried out in Gare, Iraq, and Okan was neutralized.

Okan joined the organization in 2010 and moved to northern Iraq in 2011, where he worked on drone development for the Special Forces Aviation unit in the Iraq/Gara region. In 2018, he carried out drone attacks on the Şırnak center, and in 2021, he directed the drone attack on Diyarbakır and Batman Airport.

Okan was not only responsible for the design and manufacture of the drones used in the attacks but was also managing the development of aircraft to be used against Turkey in the Iraq/Gara region.

Thanks to the hard work and dedication of MIT’s field agents, Tekin Okan’s reign of terror has come to an end, and the threat of PKK/KCK drone attacks has been significantly reduced.



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