
Mysterious Explosion Reported in the Black Sea – Breaking News

A Mysterious Explosion Sound in the Black Sea Keeps Citizens Curious

An unexplained explosion sound and subsequent shaking were heard multiple times in the Black Sea between the hours of 9:30 pm and 11:00 pm in the evening. The strange phenomenon was reported by residents in coastal cities such as Bartın, Kastamonu, Zonguldak, and Sakarya.

The source of the mysterious sound remains unknown, prompting authorities to launch an investigation. Coast guard boats in Bartın’s Amasra district patrolled the waters from the port to international waters in an attempt to identify the origin of the sound.

Initially mistaken for an earthquake, citizens reported hearing separate explosion sounds in succession after the initial event. Many speculated that the cause could be attributed to gas accumulation or sonic booms generated by aircraft. Despite the widespread attention the phenomenon received on social media, the source of the mysterious sound was not determined. Some social media users even claimed that the sound was also heard in Samsun’s Terme town.

The incident has captivated the public’s interest, with social media users actively discussing and deliberating the cause of the unexplained sound. As of now, the mystery continues to perplex both citizens and authorities alike.



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