
Nevruz Feast Traditions: A Closer Look at When and by Whom it is Celebrated in Türkiye

Nevruz, also known as the Persian New Year, is a celebration that is rich in traditions and customs. One of the most well-known traditions associated with Nevruz is the act of jumping over fire to symbolize leaving behind the sins of the past year and welcoming the new year. This act of purification is also seen in the tradition of jumping over water.

The purification of souls is further emphasized through the smoking of items and the passing of animals through fire. These rituals are believed to cleanse both humans and animals of any negative energy and bring about good luck for the upcoming year.

Another important custom during Nevruz is the setting up of the “Nevruz Sofrasi,” a table that is filled with 7 types of food. This collective meal is meant to bring abundance and prosperity for the year ahead. By eating from this table, individuals hope to experience comfort and joy throughout the coming year.

One tradition that has been kept alive for many years is the “semen” tradition. This tradition involves germinating barley and wheat in containers before Nevruz and placing them on tables to symbolize a fertile year in agriculture. This ritual is meant to bring about a successful and bountiful harvest in the months to come.

Overall, Nevruz is a time of celebration and renewal, where ancient customs and traditions are honored and passed down through generations. Whether it be jumping over fire, setting up the Nevruz Sofrasi, or participating in the semen tradition, each custom holds a special significance in welcoming the new year with hope and positivity.



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