
New Book Celebrates 300th Anniversary of Magtymguly Fragi in Kyiv

A new literary and artistic publication has recently been unveiled in Kyiv, showcasing a complete collection of translations of poems by the renowned Turkmen poet, “Magtymguly Fragi. Revelation”. This book, released at the height of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the poet in Turkmenistan, was presented at an official event on May 22, 2024, organized by the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Ukraine in collaboration with the National Library of Ukraine for children.

The presentation was attended by a diverse audience, including ambassadors and diplomatic staff from various foreign embassies, poets, writers, translators, publishers, Turkic scholars, and young readers. The event commenced with a press conference highlighting the significance of the new book, which features Magtymguly’s poetry in Ukrainian and provides insights into his life and literary contributions.

During the presentation, the Ambassador of Turkmenistan, Toyly Atayev, expressed gratitude to the authors, translators, and publishers involved in producing the book. He emphasized the enduring impact of Magtymguly’s work on the cultural and spiritual heritage of Turkmenistan, inspiring generations with his moral values and patriotism. The event also showcased the unveiling of a monument dedicated to Magtymguly Pyragy in Ashgabat, symbolizing the poet’s enduring legacy.

Attendees were invited to explore exhibitions featuring photographs, national clothing, and literary works related to Turkmenistan, offering a glimpse into the country’s rich cultural traditions. The event concluded with readings of Magtymguly’s poems in Turkmen and Ukrainian, performances of traditional music, and a display of informative videos about the poet’s life and work.

Overall, the presentation of “Magtymguly Fragi. Revelation” was met with enthusiasm from diplomats, scholars, and cultural enthusiasts, who praised the book for its contribution to promoting the legacy of the esteemed Turkmen poet. The publication is expected to enhance appreciation for Magtymguly’s poetry in Ukraine and beyond, further solidifying his reputation as a literary luminary of the 18th century.



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