
New Decisions Published in Today’s Official Gazette – Latest News from Turkey

The legislative and executive departments of the Republic of Türkiye have been busy approving various laws, agreements, and regulations in recent times.

In the legislative department, Law 7543, which approves the agreement between the governments of Türkiye and Turkmenistan regarding the joint Turkmen-Turkish General Education School, has been deemed appropriate. Additionally, Law 7544, which approves the Cooperation Agreement on the Natural Gas area between the governments of Türkiye and Azerbaijan, has also been approved.

In the executive and administration department, several international treaties have been approved. These include agreements on the protection of the rights of immigrant workers and family members, cooperation in the field of fishing and fisheries, improvement of the normative and unit pricing system, land exchange for diplomatic representative offices, security cooperation, and land transportation mixed commission meetings with various countries.

Furthermore, several new regulations have been put in place, including regulations on strategic plans and performance programs, occupational health and safety trainings, public internal control, public pre-financial control, identification and recording of animals, establishment of the National Milk Council, and administrative fines imposed within the scope of consumer protection laws.

Lastly, a notification has been issued regarding the General Communiqué on Expenditure Authorities, as well as announcements related to augmentation, decreasing, tender announcements, and daily exchange rates determined by the Central Bank of Türkiye.

These recent developments highlight the commitment of the Republic of Türkiye to upholding laws, agreements, and regulations both domestically and internationally.



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