
New Law Bans Discrimination Based on Family Members’ Criminal Records in Civil Service Hiring

The president of the country has recently signed a new law that brings about changes and revisions to various legislative acts, one of them being the Law “On Public Service.”

One significant change introduced by this new law is the prohibition of using a relative’s criminal record as a reason to restrict an individual’s rights when applying for or serving in a public civil service position. This means that individuals will no longer be discriminated against based on the actions of their family members.

Members of the Senate have expressed their support for this new law, stating that it will further solidify legal protections for citizens and ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity when it comes to seeking employment. This change is seen as a step towards creating a more fair and just society, where individuals are judged based on their own merits rather than the actions of their relatives.

Overall, this new law is a positive development that aims to uphold the rights of citizens and promote equal opportunities in the public sector. It is expected to have a significant impact on the way candidates are evaluated for civil service positions, leading to a more inclusive and merit-based system.



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