
New revelations emerge about events on İmralı Island – Breaking news today

New Details Revealed About İmralı Island Visit

According to recent statements made by İdris Arıkan, new details have emerged regarding the visit to İmralı Island. Contrary to previous reports, it has been revealed that the papers were read not once, but twice during the visit. Abdullah Öcalan read the papers to the cameras on the island.

Initially, it was reported that the delegation consisted of two people, but a third person was also present. Later, the Co-Chairman of the Dem Party also joined the delegation. There are claims that they arrived on the island by air at 9:00 am.

It is now known that they actually reached the island at 9:30 am. Apart from Abdullah Öcalan, there were three other individuals staying in the prison on the island. A welcome ceremony was organized for them, after which the content of the papers was discussed.

During the visit, it was observed that the call was read in front of cameras. There are allegations that Öcalan was filmed by three cameras while reading the call. Despite claims that the words in the call did not belong to Öcalan, it was stated that he was on the island for 4 hours.

After spending 4 hours on the island, the delegation returned to Istanbul and made a public statement. More than 300 journalists and 140 press organizations were present during the visit. The statement was read twice, with the first photo of the statement being shared with the public.

Following the statement, a meal was shared, photographs were taken, and Öcalan and the delegation members posed for group pictures. Öcalan had handwritten notes prepared for the visit, and there was some confusion regarding the number of pages in his notes.

Overall, the visit to İmralı Island has sparked discussions and speculations in the media. The details revealed by Idris Arıkan shed light on what transpired during the visit and the discussions that took place.



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