
Oman Implements Visa-Free Travel for Uzbekistan Citizens

The Sultanate of Oman has recently announced a visa-free stay for citizens of Uzbekistan for up to 14 days. This new policy allows Uzbekistani travelers to visit Oman without the need for a visa for a two-week period.

According to the Embassy of Oman in Uzbekistan, those who wish to extend their stay beyond the 14-day period can apply for an entry visa at the airport upon arrival in Oman. This flexibility provides more options for Uzbekistani citizens looking to explore Oman for a longer duration.

In a reciprocal move, Uzbekistan also introduced a visa-free regime for citizens of Oman for 10 days back in March 2021. This decision was made in accordance with a presidential decree aimed at further developing domestic and pilgrimage tourism in Uzbekistan.

Bilateral relations between Uzbekistan and Oman have been strengthened recently, with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan, Bakhtiyor Saidov, visiting Oman in June for talks with officials from the host country. This visit likely played a role in the decision to expand visa-free travel between the two nations.

Overall, this new visa-free stay program between Oman and Uzbekistan is a positive step towards promoting tourism and fostering closer ties between the two countries. Travelers from both nations can now enjoy easier access to each other’s cultures, landscapes, and attractions.


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