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Operation Claw Lock: 78 Targets Destroyed, 77 Terrorists Neutralized

Turkey Announces Success in Claw-Lock Operation

In a recent statement, Minister Yaşar Güler has provided an update on the progress of the Claw-Lock Operation in the northern region of Iraq and Syria. The Minister announced that air operations have resulted in the destruction of 78 targets, including caves, shelters, and oil facilities. Additionally, 77 terrorists have been neutralized as a result of these operations.

The Claw-Lock Operation is an ongoing military campaign aimed at combating terrorism and ensuring the security of the region. The success of the recent air operations demonstrates Turkey’s commitment to eradicating terrorist threats and maintaining stability in the area.

Minister Yaşar Güler emphasized the importance of these operations in effectively targeting and eliminating terrorist elements. The destruction of key infrastructure and the neutralization of terrorist threats are crucial steps in safeguarding the region and preventing future attacks.

The announcement of these latest developments serves as a testament to Turkey’s dedication to combating terrorism and ensuring the safety of its citizens and the global community. With the continued success of the Claw-Lock Operation, Turkey remains steadfast in its efforts to promote peace and security in the region.



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