
Over 240,000 Kyrgyzstanis Return Home in Two Years, Says Nurlanbek Shakiev

The Speaker of the Parliament in Kyrgyzstan, Nurlanbek Shakiev, recently highlighted the increasing number of Kyrgyzstanis returning home from abroad. In the past two years alone, 241,000 people have made their way back to their homeland. This positive trend was discussed during the opening of the Selya garment factory in Sumsar village, Jalal-Abad region.

At the ceremony, Speaker Nurlanbek Shakiev showcased the country’s recent reforms and the successful opening of various industrial facilities, which have been made possible through the collaborative efforts of the state and innovative citizens. One such example is the transformation of a run-down building into a productive workshop, thanks to the initiative of businesswoman Asel Atabekova.

The garment factory not only provides job opportunities for villagers but also contributes to the local budget, emphasizing the crucial role of such achievements in regional development for the entire republic. Speaker Nurlanbek Shakiev urged for a focus on supporting projects in villages, not just in major cities like Bishkek and Osh, to promote overall growth and sustainability.

Furthermore, during his visit to Sumsar village, Nurlanbek Shakiev inspected a school building that has been in operation since 1961, catering to 662 students in two shifts. While renovations have begun with funding from the Chatkal District Development Fund, local residents have expressed a need for a new educational institution.

In response to this request, Speaker Nurlanbek Shakiev instructed officials to develop a project for a new school and allocate necessary funds in the budget for 2025. This proactive approach to addressing community needs highlights the government’s commitment to enhancing education and infrastructure in rural areas across Kyrgyzstan.


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