
Öztürkler: The Beacon of Peace in Cyprus – BRTK

Ziya Öztürkler, the President of the Assembly of the Republic, recently met with the Minister of National Defense of the Republic of Turkey, Yaşar Güler, to discuss the protection of peace and security for the Turkish soldiers. This meeting further highlighted Öztürkler’s dedication to safeguarding the well-being of the troops.

During their discussions in Ankara, Öztürkler, accompanied by İsmet Korukoğlu, the Ambassador of the TRNC in Ankara, Seral Fırat, Secretary General of the Republican Assembly, and İrem Uygun, Director of Private Pen, emphasized the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the region. Following the meeting, Öztürkler expressed satisfaction with the productive and sincere dialogue that took place.

In a statement to the press, Öztürkler outlined the significance of the Republic of Turkey in ensuring peace and stability on the island, referencing a statement made by the late Bülent Ecevit in 1974. He reiterated the importance of recognizing the two states on the island and Turkey’s unwavering commitment to protecting the rights of the Turkish Cypriot people.

Furthermore, Öztürkler stressed the principles of sovereign equality and equal international status in all diplomatic engagements, emphasizing Turkey’s stance on safeguarding the rights of the Turkish Cypriot people and their interests in energy resources and the continental shelf.

Overall, the meeting between Öztürkler and Minister Güler underscored the commitment to upholding peace and security in the region, with a focus on cooperation and dialogue between the two nations.



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