
Parliament Committee Approves Concept of New Media Law Document

The Committee on Budget, Economic and Fiscal Policy of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan has approved the draft law “On the Media,” with consideration of a dissenting opinion. The draft law, presented by Minister of Culture Altynbek Maksutov, will incorporate feedback from media experts and journalists in the second reading. One particular aspect that may be removed is the clause regarding media accreditation in all government agencies.

During the committee meeting, Deputy Kamila Talieva expressed disappointment that key officials, including the head of the Legal Support Department and the head of the working group on the draft law, did not attend. Meanwhile, Deputy Elvira Surabaldieva raised concerns about the media’s responsibility for information dissemination, citing a recent incident involving the publication of photos without consent.

After thorough discussions, deputies have agreed on the concept of the bill with a consideration of dissenting opinion. Parliament members plan to submit their recommendations during the second reading. It is worth noting that the bill, initially developed by the presidential administration, has undergone several revisions since its submission in January. Despite efforts to finalize the document by a working group appointed by the head of state, disagreements and lack of comprehensive discussion have persisted.

The ongoing debate reflects the complex nature of regulating media in Kyrgyzstan, with stakeholders striving to balance freedom of the press and ethical considerations. As the draft law progresses, further dialogue and amendments are expected to address the diverse concerns raised by legislators and media professionals.



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