
Passenger Bus in Tashkent Involved in Road Accident

A serious accident in Tashkent involving a Yutong bus and a Spark car was captured on video on June 28. The incident occurred on Farkhod Street in the Uchtepa district, as reported by the press service of Toshshahartranskhizmat.

The video footage shows the driver of the Spark car attempting to overtake the bus by crossing a solid line into the lane reserved for public transport. The bus was unable to avoid the collision and ended up ramming into the car, causing both vehicles to veer onto the sidewalk and demolish a road sign.

Fortunately, no injuries were reported as a result of the accident. The incident was documented according to the European protocol, and the driver of the Spark car took responsibility for compensating the damage to the vehicle fleet.

Authorities are reminding drivers to exercise caution and adhere to traffic regulations to prevent such accidents from occurring in the future. Stay safe on the roads and prioritize the safety of yourself and others while driving.


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