
Phone Call Between Devlet Bahceli and CHP Tanrıkulu

MHP Leader Devlet Bahceli and CHP Diyarbakir Deputy Sezgin Tanrıkulu had a phone call recently to discuss various issues. Tanrıkulu shared the details of their conversation, stating that they talked about the importance of everyone’s responsibility and contribution in the past period. They also expressed their wishes for meeting in better days and exchanged health wishes.

The phone call between the two politicians was cordial and focused on the need for collaboration and unity moving forward. Tanrıkulu took to Twitter to share a snippet of their conversation, highlighting the positive tone and mutual respect between them.

This phone call serves as a reminder that despite political differences, communication and dialogue are essential for progress and understanding. It is a positive step towards fostering a spirit of cooperation and goodwill in the political arena. Let’s hope for more constructive conversations like this in the future.



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